1970 Dodge Challenger R/T 383 4 spd

A word from the owner...Hi Alan,
I'm glad to hear the Challenger's transportation pickup went smooth. I always appreciate plans that come together.
Speaking of that, it was a pleasure working with you on these Challengers, 5 OF THEM!
I have experienced grief, anxiety, stress, rip-offs & BS in the past with others, but your approach works well for you AND your clients. You accomplished so much in this short period of time! Plus the five Challengers stand up to all the other cars I have. I feel it was a win, win process & I hope you feel that too.
I'm going to get them out and rolling down the road here more as they all drive out well &
driveability is very important to me. I had the FJ5 Sunroof car out on Saturday & couldn't believe how well it's manners were, even on the Polyglas tires! Stout too!
I may come upon another Ebody up here, I know of a nice 71 Cuda project….so we
may be doing something in the future. I'll be sure to promote your work & the satisfaction
I received working with you.
Time to go for a ride it the convertible, it’s a beautiful day.
Thanks, we'll be in touch,
Peter Swainson